Our Story

Ma-Mix is a platform that specialises in selling goods and services from different cultures of the world.

We celebrate each other’s culture and make it easy for users to find different products and/or services from across the globe… all of which can be delivered right to their doorstep! The name “ma-mix” is a Shona culture (from Zimbabwe) expression meaning, a variety of things. 

Ma-Mix was established in 2024 and we set out on a mission to solve a few main problems the founders, and founders friends & family were experiencing. After researching, we discovered that many people had exactly the same problems!

 Shingi, a co-founder, was born and grew up in Zimbabwe. When he moved to the United Kingdom to pursue a Master of Science degree in International Business and Entrepreneurship, he found it difficult to find products from his home country as they were not available in mainstream shops. With time and through community connections, he discovered some small independently owned local African shops and used methods such as asking a friend to bring a shirt from Africa the next time they travelled. He still had a question; how can he buy trainers, and some Tweed jackets and send them back home in an affordable way? 

Shingi met Robyn, a co-founder, whom he is now married to. Robyn, whose ethnicity is white British, was born and grew up in England. Robyn and some of her family members did not know where to start to find any gift from Zimbabwe to surprise Shingi with. As an interracial couple, this was a problem. Robyn also found that the small, independent African shops that were available locally where she needed to do food shopping all had short opening hours that made it difficult to use them while working full time. She thought “I wish these shops delivered so that it wasn’t an issue”, and after talking with friends & family found that they have the same issues! The solution- a platform where independently owned shops could sell their products online and send orders directly to customers homes to reach customers with busy daily lives.

Have you worn a stylish outfit or decorated your home with some beautiful art from your memorable holiday/vacation abroad, and your culture-loving friends have asked you where they can buy that? 

We wondered how many more people had these similar issues. That’s right. Many people!  

It’s how Ma-Mix was born. To help you solve all these challenges. 

Why Choose Us

Free Delivery

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Secure Payment

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

24/7 Support

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat

Our Team

Co-founder and Business Strategist
Co-founder and Creative Lead